AE4451 Outline of Lectures

This is a tentative outline of the material that will be covered and the appropriate reading assignments. Note, class lectures will parallel and expand upon the coverage in the textbook.

I. Background and
   Overview of Conventional Propulsion Systems
   (on your own, compressible flow review)

141-146  Ch. 1
Ch. 5
Ch. 3
II. Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Gases

 A. TD Systems and Conservation Eqns, CV Examples
23-32 Ch. 2
 B. Thermodynamic Properties: State Equations & Ideal Gases, CV Examples
 C. Ideal Gas Mixtures
 D. Equilibrium Chemical Thermodynamics
  1. Chemical Energy

  2. Equilibrium Chemical Composition

 E. Thermodynamic Cycle Analysis
     (Ideal Cycles: Carnot & Brayton)

III. Airbreathing Propulsion Systems

 A. Overview and Engine Performance Parameters

  1. Thrust and Specific Thrust
146-149 Ch. 5
  2. Specific Fuel Consumption and Efficiencies
  3. History of Jet Engine Performance

 B. Ramjets
  1. Overview

  2. Ideal Ramjet Relations

  3. Effect of Aerodynamics Losses ("Real Ramjets")

 C. Turbojets
  1. Overview

  2. Cycle Analysis

  3. Performance

 D. Turbofans
  1. Overview

  2. Cycle Analysis

  3. Performance

  4. Optimum Bypass Ratio, Pressure Ratios and their Evolution

 E. Turboprop and Turboshaft Engines
IV. Rocket Propulsion Systems

 A. Overview

 B. Thrust and Impulse

470-472 Ch. 10
  1. Static Thrust 

  2. Equivalent Exhaust Velocity

  3. Impulse and Specific Impulse

 C. Vehicle Acceleration

  1. Rocket Equation

  2. Gravity Losses and Burn Time
  3. Drag Losses

 D. Chemical/Thermal Rockets

  1. Ideal Rocket Cycle Analysis

  2. Characteristic Velocity c* and Thrust Coefficient CT
515-520 Ch. 11
  3. Calculating c* and CT: equilbrium and frozen flow calculations
Ch. 12
  4. Liquid Propellant Cycles: Gas Feed and Turbopump Systems

Ch. 13
  5. Solid Rocket Motors

Ch. 12
  6. TCA Cooling - Heat Transfer

 E. Electric Propulsion
651-680 Ch. 14
  1. Performance Considerations

  2. Physics Background

  3. Example Systems

V. Analysis of Turbine Engine Components

 A. Inlets
217-241 Ch. 6
  1. Subsonic

  2. Supersonic

 B. Nozzles
 C. Combustors
  1. Characteristics and Requirements

  2. Combustion Chamber Configurations

  3. Choking of Afterburners and Ramjets

 D. Turbomachinery Overview
275-280 Ch. 7
  1. Configurations and Nomenclature

  2. Euler Turbomachinery Equations (angular momentum)

  3. Degree of Reaction and Flowfields

 E. Compressors
275-303 Ch. 7
  1. Cascade Analysis and Velocity Triangles

  2. Stage Characteristics

  3. Multistage Performance

  4. Stability and Surge

 F. Turbines
367-402 Ch. 8
  1. Overview

  2. Cascade Analysis and Characteristics (Maps)

  3. Blade Design and Compressor-Turbine Matching

  4. Stresses and Blade Cooling